
Why Work at Bowman? 

Certificated Employment

Certificated employment openings may be found on EdJoin when available. Visit the link below to view our EdJoin profile.

Ackerman Charter School District on EdJoin

Classified Employment

Classified employment openings are announced here and in the Auburn Journal classifieds.

Collective Bargaining Agreements

Bowman Ackerman Teachers' Association - BATA-ACSD Negotiated Agreement 2021-2024 6.2.22 

Salary Schedules

Certificated work days: 184

Health & welfare district contribution: $10,500 (prorated for part-time employees)

Masters stipend: $1,300

RSP/SDC Teacher stipend: $2,500

Musical Theatre Director/Choreographer stipend: $1,500

Legend for Classified Salary Schedule

Legend for Confidential Salary Schedule